What is the Monster Hiding Under YOUR Bed?

Wellness for Professionals

What is the Monster Hiding Under YOUR Bed?

24 Oct, 2021

What is the Monster Hiding Under YOUR Bed?

When you were little, were you certain there was a big scary monster lying in wait under your bed? Or maybe hiding your bedroom closet?  We were positive that as soon as the lights went out and we were at our most vulnerable, that big, scary monster would emerge from its hiding place and lodge an attack as we were lying in our beds. Sometimes a night light could keep them at bay, or the protective shield of our blankets.  Sometimes a visit from our big, strong grown-up parent would scare it away.

As adults, many of us like to think those memories of scary monsters are just distant relics of childhood. It was a growing pain that came and went like losing baby teeth. However, the scary monsters sometimes don’t disappear- they just change.  As adults, we must contend with Anxiety, Self-Doubt, Insecurity or Low Self Esteem.  Those monsters hide around every corner and manifest as negative self- talk or rationalizations that keep us from the life we deserve. Instead of hiding under the covers, we might choose to hide in a job that isn’t fulfilling. Or stay in a career that is below our potential. As adults our manner of protecting against our new monsters is slightly different. Instead of putting a blanket over our head, we look the other way.  We bury our heads in proverbial the sand. We refuse to acknowledge the obvious. We tell ourselves things are better than they are, just like we used to tell our little selves the monsters can’t hurt us. But, at both times, we really knew we were lying to ourselves. Both monsters, the ones that haunted us as kids and the ones that chase us as adults, have the same mission- they want to keep us from doing what we really want or need to do.  As kids, we needed to sleep. As adults, we need to take risks, grow, face our fears and yes, sometimes fail.

I am here to deliver you some good news.  Today, you are the grownup.  You are big and strong and can save the day for yourself. Open your closet and look under your bed. Confront those monsters and tell them to go away.  There are things you need to do and a person you need to be. There is no monster under your bed that is scarier than not living up to your true potential.

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