‘Tis the season… To be stressed?

Wellness for Professionals

‘Tis the season… To be stressed?

22 Dec, 2021

‘Tis the season… To be stressed?

While the holidays are a wonderful time of the year, they’re also extremely stressful and on the heels of the year that has been nothing short of that, we are seeing increasingly high amounts of mental health issues.  Studies show mental health issues are one of the top health concerns in the US. Unfortunately, depression, anxiety, poor sleep- are becoming the norm.

While it is important to take care of your physical body, it is also important to take care of your mental health. Hitting the reset button, allowing for some time to deal with stressful situations and really making sure you are feeding your whole body holistically, is more important now than ever before.

One of the greatest challenges facing employers today is making sure the holistic health of their employees is intact. This means not only supporting them with their physical and financial well-being but also supporting their mental health.  Mental health and well-being are now a major focus with employers.  Trying to get ahead of the problems that can cause disruptions and help employees manage issues they are facing.

Wellness programs are a great resource and can incorporate different ways to help people manage stress and tend to their mental well-being.  Here are a few steps that can help a person feel more positive and manage their mental health:

  1. Be Physically Active– this helps not only with your overall health and fitness, but it can also benefit your mental health. The release of endorphins during workouts can help to positively change your mood. It also can foster better self-esteem and help you feel good about yourself.
  2. Meditation– being able to be still with your own thoughts for even a few minutes can have an amazing impact on mental well-being. When you couple meditation with deep breathing exercises, you actually stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system thereby calming your body down. Stepping away from all the noise even for just 10 minutes a day can have wonderful positive impacts on your mental health.
  3. Mindfulness/Being Present– we live in a society where we are always focused on the next thing, often times losing sight of the present moment. Taking time to pay more attention, through your thoughts and feelings can improve your mental well-being.
  4. Connect With Others– as humans we are meant to have engagement with others. Connecting with people and developing good relationships are important for mental wellness. They can provide emotional support as well as allow you to support others.

In our fast-paced world, coupled with the ongoing stress of a worldwide pandemic, it’s easy to lose sight of tending to our mental health, but it is so important to take time to do so.  Making mental wellness a part of a healthy lifestyle is certainly something we all need to incorporate into our daily lives.

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