Make a Spring Resolution

Wellness for Professionals

Make a Spring Resolution

1 Apr, 2022

In many parts of the country, spring has sprung. Birds are singing.  The grass is green.  The bugs are buzzing and the time for renewal in nature is upon us.  For some of us, this time of year can spur the same feelings of personal renewal. We put away our winter clothes and open the windows. We look around at our homes, our yards and our surroundings. We roll up our sleeves and dive into seemingly endless days of spring cleaning. Our surroundings fall into line with the rhythm of nature. What if we took it a step farther? Could we also embrace this time of year as an opportunity to look at ourselves? What do we want to awaken within us?  What has been slumbering inside? Who do we want to emerge after a period of dormancy?

Spring is a season of action and rebirth. We invite you to apply those concepts to yourself. Instead of a New Year’s resolution, make a Spring Resolution.  Unlike a typical New Year’s Resolution, which is usually focused on changing and being a better version of ourselves, “I want to lose weight, or “I want to quit smoking”.  I want to break a bad habit and create a better person.

By contrast, a Spring Resolution follows the rhythm of the season- rebirth, renew, reawaken.  Look within yourself and remember. What is something you loved doing, but have recently struggled finding the time to do? Were you once a budding artist? A talented athlete? A fine cook? Reflect. Once upon a time, what was that personal talent you felt a sense of pride or fulfillment doing? Now is the time to revisit it. It is in embracing these talents that we gain personal pride and a unique sense of fulfillment.

For most of us, our daily obligations monopolize much of our time. We work, we have families, pets, personal responsibilities, and duties.  We maintain households.  We commute and pay bills. We grocery shop. Some of our day-to-day tasks are mundane, some can be enjoyable. And certainly, some can make us happy sometimes. But even the things can bring us happiness, can also make us so busy that we neglect the special talent or hobby that is inherent within us and makes each of us unique.  In a sense, we neglect who we were born to be. By taking the time to revisit and nurture our special personal passion, we remember who we are. And by being who we are at our core, including exercising our gifts, we fill emotional voids and provide ourselves mental stability.

We will also end our personal long winter of obligations and emerge a step closer to living our best lives.


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