Leading a Leader:  Enneagram Type 8 and their Path of Development

Enneagram In Business

Leading a Leader:  Enneagram Type 8 and their Path of Development

7 Feb, 2022

Enneagram Type 8s are born leaders.  Leadership is the role in which they are the most comfortable.  In their heart, they wish to be the strong protector of those who are unable to protect themselves. In their eyes, the world is a hard and unjust place and the powerful take advantage of others. It is their calling, as strong and just Type 8s, to resist the exploitative powerful and protect those who cannot protect themselves

The vibrant Type 8s are confident in their own truth. At their core, they feel they are strong and powerful will exercise this strength by imposing their truths on others. This naturally draws them to those they see as small or vulnerable as it ignites their natural inclination to protect others- and thus gain their respect.

In certain situations, this drive can be highly valuable.  They are typically not intimidated and are willing to fight for the cause- if the cause aligns with their personal beliefs. There is also a very definite downside to this inclination. This seemingly noble intention can be over-bearing and it also enables the image conscious Type 8 to hide their vulnerabilities as there is no one more vital to protect than themselves. By hiding behind an image of power and duty, they may shield their vulnerabilities from themselves and others and in the attempt gain respect.  For Type 8s, respect equates to self-worth.

When negotiating with a Type 8, always remember that from their prospective, their truth is THE truth.  Unlike the Type 3 who thirsts for success, or the Type 9 who craves harmony, Type 8s demand respect.

When managing a Type 8, the challenges lie in guiding them down their personal Path of Development. Type 8s can sometimes be resistant to stepping outside themselves and their personal manifesto. It is natural for them to champion their own beliefs and deny the validity of other perspectives. They remain in the role of a leader and champion for the underdog- but they are also able to morph and place themselves in that position and become they may become hyper-focused on their own cause and become their own advocate.

Type 8s need to release control and be willing to step beyond their personal truth and approach each situation with a fresh perspective free of their personal biases. Once that shield of personal tunnel vision is relaxed, it will enable them to recognize the absolute truth in any situation. Then, once recognized, they may step back into their comfort zone and act as an unbiased champion.




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