New Year’s Resolutions a.k.a. Goals

Workforce Skills Based Training

New Year’s Resolutions a.k.a. Goals

1 Jan, 2022

When I was a sales manager, one of the first things I would sit down and ask my new sales reps was-do you set goals? I was often surprised by the answer, no I’ve never set a goal or no I don’t set goals. So, I would ask them, well do you make New Year’s resolutions?  To which they would usually respond, of course doesn’t everyone? New Year’s resolutions and goals are the same thing; when you think about it- goals are just things that you hope to achieve, just like New Year’s resolutions are things we hope to achieve in the upcoming year.

So why would I ask this question right away? Well goalsetting is particularly important in sales as it helps you quantify and clarify something you hope to accomplish. I always found that when people have goals it gives them a track to run on- there’s a visual, quantitative finish line, there’s something that they’re pushing for.  This is especially helpful when it comes to sales.  Not every day is a great day and some days are harder to do the things you need to, to be a successful sales person so having a goal, and keeping that in front of you, can remind you why you keep pushing on those tougher days.

I always recommend starting off with goals of varying degrees.  Have some goals that will be easier to attain; when you hit a goal, it builds momentum. Have some goals that are a little bit harder, which require more effort and of course have your stretch goal, something that is going to need you to really push to get there.  A stretch goal is something you can be striving for and working towards. I also suggest setting goals based on timing.  Maybe have a goal for each quarter of the year; a goal to hit by mid-year; a goal to hit at the end of the year and goals to hit in the upcoming year(s).

Once goals are set it’s important to keep them in front of you.  Put them somewhere you can see them daily.  This is helpful to be able to remind yourself what you are working towards on a regular basis.  I had a list of my goals laid out on my desk where I would see them every day.  When I didn’t feel like making that extra call or sending out one more email, that list of goals reminded me why I was doing it.  Also, any steps towards achieving your goal should be recognized- no matter how small.  This helps to keep you moving in the right direction and I used to say it gives all the little wins so much more value because they brought you one step closer to your goal. I kept a sticky note inside my planner with every sale written down and totaled regularly.  Sure, some of the really minor sales can go unnoticed, but when I would subtract, even the slightest of sales from my goal- making the number I needed to reach smaller, it was incredibly impactful and gave so much more value to the little sale.  They really add up.

One of my favorite quotes is so apropos when it comes to achieving your goals, “It doesn’t matter where you start. Only that you begin” ~ Robin Sharma

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