We are all in this Together: Supporting Neurodiversity the Workplace

Wellness for Professionals

We are all in this Together: Supporting Neurodiversity the Workplace

4 Apr, 2023

This is the second installment in our blog series for Employee Mental Health & Wellness

People experience the world in different ways.  There is no “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel.  Our response to different situations varies as does the way we process information. Just because someone thinks differently from someone else does not mean that either person is wrong in their thought process. A workplace that encourages a diverse workforce with varied perceptions and encourages diversity in the way employees think, learn, interact and perceive the world could be considered neurodiverse. A neurodiverse workplace is one that supports employees who have non-traditional approaches in perceiving and learning as well as divergent social skills. By creating an environment of tolerance and inclusion, companies will be poised to reap the many benefits of championing inclusion.

We all have strengths, and we all have our challenges.  As the percentage of the population that self-identifies as neurodiverse continues to grow, companies that are embracing the many advantages of divergent ways of thinking and problem solving are realizing the rewards. Neurodiverse employees bring a different, oftentimes highly creative, way of thinking to a workplace.

Managers should be trained to be mindful in their approach to the way employees think and communicate. Encourage them to be on the front line of breaking down barriers and removing stereotypes and stigmas. It is often on their shoulders to create microenvironments of belonging and tolerance.

Many managers benefit from professional coaching if they are in the position of leading and motivating a non-traditional team.  Managers will need to be trained in areas of communication and may need to employ different training techniques. Building empathy and understanding can effectively create leadership that is attuned to the unique needs of the employee population.

As the modern workplace continues to evolve, creating a safe, professional environment where all types of diversity and inclusion is embraced is a contributing factor to a company’s long-term success in the future.

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