It Takes More than Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation to Make an Employee Well

Wellness for Professionals

It Takes More than Weight Loss and Smoking Cessation to Make an Employee Well

1 Nov, 2023

Times change.  People change. What was once revered is now passe. Employers who want to stay current and attract the best and the brightest employees must not only accept but embrace that fact.

Not that long ago, when employee wellness first became a trend, the initiatives were simple and straightforward.  After all, just the idea of an employee needing more than medical insurance to keep them well was revolutionary.  Thankfully, we have come a long way in 20 years.

Employee wellness programs continue to evolve and develop.  Some trend influencers include cultural developments (the COVID pandemic and subsequent quarantine); the aging of the workforce, younger generations with varied expectations entering the workforce as well as the general evolution of the seed of an idea.

When wellness programs first began to be integrated into Employee Benefit programs, the impetus was on physical changes in the employee that could be encouraged and would subsequently reduce medical claims.  There was something tangible with the implementation for the employer. Programs like these are a valuable addition to any employee benefit program, but are they enough?  Do they address what employees truly need as human beings trying to live, work and raise families in the mid 2020’s?

As wellness programs continue to evolve and adapt to our world, more attention will continue to be placed on not just an employee’s physical health, but their mental well-being.  That is the logical, next step as our culture continues to traverse uncharted territories. Employees are increasingly looking to their employers to provide them with the tools that they need to be focused, productive workers. Moving beyond health-related benefits, programs that support mental wellness and train employees with the skills they need to be mentally resilient and emotionally adaptable amid anxious times.

By creating a workplace culture that moves beyond health and wellness and into the realm of well-being, employees may be more inclined to remain and grow with an employer that does not turn a blind eye to what they truly need. Employees are complicated.  They are human beings after all.  And, since they are just humans, all facets of their persona deserves to be supported. The employers that accept this and act accordingly and move beyond wellness support and address well-being will be sure to be rewarded with employees who will reciprocate.



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