This is the 2nd installment in our blog series on Aristotle’s 12 Virtues and how they apply in company culture.
What if I were to tell you, the single most important value that a business can uphold when creating a positive company culture is Temperance? It is an often-overlooked value that all managers and decision makers should be trained to be mindful of if the goal is creating a healthy work environment.
Temperance, on its face, is the concept of balance. All things are acceptable if they are done in moderation. A little bit of everything and not too much of anything. On a personal level, it requires sound thinking, self-control, and nothing in excess. Emphasis is on being careful and controlled. However, let’s take it a step farther and apply it in a professional setting.
A company that promotes temperance in its culture is one that values a healthy work/life balance. They realize that for an employee, there must be a balance between ambition and well-being. Promoting or expecting unbridled ambition is excessive and leads to employee burnout. Employees should instead be encouraged to do the right thing, in the right amount, the right way. Balance their personal life with their business life. Work hard, but also make time for fun and relaxation. When the employee is allowing themselves to rejuvenate, they will feel complete and have increased focus to apply to their job. It is in creating the balance that the business will reach success since true abundance flows from doing what is essential, not from excessiveness.
Leaders who are versed in the importance of temperance conduct themselves in a calm and composed manner. They maintain the ability to think clearly and respond reasonably in tense situations. Their expectations are realistic, and they are taught to value their reports as whole people and realize that trust and encouragement of balanced lives will create greater productivity, reduced turnover, and higher levels of employee loyalty.
Remember- it is all about balance. If a company encourages a strong work/life balance- there is still the work component! Personal lives and down time are important, but completing assignments and doing our jobs properly weighs the other side of the scale. The trick is finding the perfect balance and promoting an environment of Temperance.